A Short Biography Of Hubert Humphrey Sparrow Hubert Humphrey--"The Happy Warrior"--would have been our 37th President had not Nixon, with his ghostly charisma, intervened. Hubert--whose middle name was improbably "Horatio"-- was reared in Minnesota, and served as a corporal in WWII on the Bavarian Front, then returned home, went to college, became a Minneapolis alderman, and slowly rose through the ranks of Democratic politics, until he was Senator, then VP (under Johnson), then almost P. After Hubert's defeat he retired to his beloved Skatt Lake, and wrote cheerful liberal volumes, which almost resembled self-help books: The Cause We Care For, Where Is The New Path?, etc. He appeared at fund-raisers, on Laugh-In, and had a small role in a Jane Fonda movie, "The Smell Of Roses", but proved a terrible actor. He was determined to open a carwash until his wife, Murial, forbade it; she called it "undignified." Gradually HHH came to oppose the Vietnam War, which he had wrecked his political career defending. "This war is an American Tragedy," he said. Hubert attempted to play the ukulele, with little success, although his rendition of "Help Me, Rhonda" was praised by his nephews. One day Hubert H. Humphrey's soul seeped out of his orotund body, and reunited with the Cosmic Mind.